
旧约-诗篇 58

Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge uprightly among men?
No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth.
Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies.
Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears,
that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be.
Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; tear out, O LORD, the fangs of the lions!
Let them vanish like water that flows away; when they draw the bow, let their arrows be blunted.
Like a slug melting away as it moves along, like a stillborn child, may they not see the sun.
Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns--whether they be green or dry--the wicked will be swept away.
The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, when they bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.
Then men will say, "Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth."


《圣经》(拉丁语:Biblia 本意为莎草纸)是上帝对人说的话语。是亚伯拉罕诸教(包括基督新教、天主教、东正教、犹太教等各宗教)的宗教经典。犹太教的宗教经典是指《塔纳赫》(或称《希伯来圣经》),而基督教的则指《旧约全书》和《新约全书》两部分。是全球范围内发行量最大,翻译成语言种类最多的书。也是第一本被带进太空的书。